We’re excited to introduce our dedicated team, committed to supporting you on your herbalist journey. Our friendly and supportive course administrators and staff are always on hand to assist with any questions or concerns. They are here to ensure your experience with UKTATM is both smooth and rewarding.

  • UKTATM Course Director

    Dr. Tony Booker is a leading expert in Chinese Herbal Medicine, known for his extensive research and focus on herbal quality. As the senior lecturer at the University of Westminster, he brings his expertise in ethnopharmacy and pharmacognosy to our courses, driving forward the field with innovative research and instruction.

  • Professor Hung-Rong Yen

    Professor Hung-Rong Yen is a distinguished physician scientist with dual expertise in Western and Chinese medicine. As the Dean of the College of Chinese Medicine at China Medical University and the Director of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine at China Medical University Hospital, he is a leading advocate for integrating Chinese medicine with conventional care and advancing educational practices in the field.

  • Jean Tan

    Jean combines her expertise in finance, accounting, and HR with a strong background in academic administration. As Registrar at UKTATM, she ensures smooth operations and is always ready to assist with enrollment, course schedules, and financial matters, providing support with professionalism and care.

  • Helen Huang

    Helen combines her vibrant career in ecommerce and marketing with a deep passion for herbal medicine and aromatherapy. When she’s not exploring new cultures or blending essential oils, she’s dedicated to helping you with your course inquiries. With a love for all things natural and fun, Helen ensures that everyone at UKTATM enjoys a smooth and joyful herbalist journey.