The UKTATM : Facilitating Modern Chinese Medicine Education between Taiwan and Europe

The UK - Taiwan Academy of Traditional Medicine is dedicated to delivering the highest standards of Chinese medicine education. While deeply cognisant of the ancient foundations of this medicine (as evidenced by our focus on classic texts) the UKTATM also wants its graduates to be connected to the future of Chinese medicine. As such we try to impart on our students not just diagnostic and clinical abilities but also research skills, an awareness of the varied ways Chinese medicine is practiced globally and first hand experience with the people looking to advance both the contemporary practice of CHM and also our understanding of it.

As clinicians our work is never done; our patients will continue teaching us until our last day. Our course is designed to teach you how to learn as much as how to practice.

We are also deeply impressed and grateful for the extraordinary work many people in Taiwan are doing to further understanding and global spread of Chinese medicine and are excited to introduce the uniquely Taiwanese way of practicing CHM to more people.